Many wine lovers worry that their wine bottles will break during the move. Whether in a removal company’s truck or in their own car, transportation is often hectic and turbulent. That is why it is important to observe a few essential points. Here you can find out how to get your wine to your new home intact and in good condition.

Wine bottles

What is the best way to transport wine bottles?

Packing in traditional moving boxes

Transporting your wine bottles is delicate. A move, often very turbulent, is indeed not the best for your cellar. That’s why it’s important to properly protect your bottles when packing them in moving boxes. Make sure to securely close all boxes and cushion them well so that none of them break during the move. These moving boxes should also be labeled ‘fragile’. You can also request the moving company to handle the packing of your boxes.

Moving boxes for wine bottles

You can also order wine bottle boxes on These moving boxes are specially designed to protect your finest wine bottles with integrated dividers.

Banner to order wine boxes Switzerland

Our moving tip

In any case, avoid transporting your bottles by plane as wine does not tolerate atmospheric pressure well.

For many quality and older wines, it may happen that sediment settles at the bottom of the bottle is stirred into the wine. Wine crystals then mix with the wine and can no longer be found at the bottom of the bottle. Simply let the wine rest for a few days after transportation before opening it. You will notice that the sediment settles back at the bottom of the bottle.

Does wine deteriorate in the sun?

Sunlight – also known as ultraviolet light – has a negative influence on the shelf life of wine and therefore on its quality. This is why most bottles are made of green glass: not for aesthetic reasons but to limit the penetration of UV light into the bottle. In any case, it is better to store your wine away from the sun’s rays.

Furthermore, your wine bottles are sensitive to temperature differences. The issue of heat unfortunately makes the transport of wine a little more complicated. Heat is considered to be an enemy of wine and can indeed be very damaging.

If your wine is in a cellar and you are moving in the summer, here are our tips:
If you are moving on your own, leave your bottles, protected from light, packed in the cellar as long as possible and load them at the last moment (especially if the journey is long). If you only have a few good bottles, carry them with you in your personal car. In summer, it is better to know your bottles in a place that can be air-conditioned than in the moving truck.

How long does the wine need to rest after it’s been moved?

As wine is sensitive to vibrations, it is advisable to let the wine rest for 2 to 3 weeks after transport. In general, the best storage temperature is around 12-14 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity should be between 70 and 80%. As soon as you arrive in your new home, you should take this into account.

If you follow these tips for transporting your wine or entrust it to a removal company you trust, nothing can stop you from enjoying your vintage wine in your new flat.